pg电子官网状态 荣誉准则


The pg电子官网状态 荣誉准则 is an aspiration about the kind of community we want pg电子官网状态 to be, and an articulation of the ideals that foster that community. It represents what we call the pg电子官网状态 of Mind.


Our Code: The pg电子官网状态 of Mind


As members of the pg电子官网状态 community, we believe in the inherent value of striving for excellence, in a sense of honor and service that springs from mutual respect and extends to the way we conduct ourselves at college and away from it, and in a notion of community that recognizes that for a system like ours to work, every person's best effort is vital to that success which sets us distinctively apart from other institutions.

Upholding the 荣誉准则

We realize that as part of the pg电子官网状态 Community College community, our actions affect those around us. We understand that the pg电子官网状态 community is strengthened by our commitment to the 荣誉准则, and we proclaim this by signing the Honor Pledge, which states: “I hereby accept the pg电子官网状态 荣誉准则, and will strive to uphold its ideals, and the concepts of personal and collective responsibility upon which 这是基于.”



pg电子官网 the pg电子官网状态 荣誉准则



Our adherence to this written expression of our shared values establishes an open environment of learning and growing through personal and community responsibility. Because we subscribe to these values, we voluntarily commit as members of the Wallace State community to follow the 荣誉准则. We uphold the Code by engaging with the values upon which our community depends: mutual trust, compassion, and respect for oneself, one another, and the community. These values form the basis of the Honor Code, yet improve our community only if we incorporate them into our daily lives.



荣誉守则 applies to every aspect of academic, social and professional life at pg电子官网状态 Community College. All members of the pg电子官网状态 community are asked to adhere to the Code during the conduct of college activities on and off campus, and to understand that we are representatives of pg电子官网状态 even when away from 学院. 荣誉守则 complements our formal obligations outlined in the Student and Personnel Handbooks.


Community Standards

Our community’s relationships are based on mutual trust, compassion and respect. We must consider how our words and actions, regardless of the medium, may affect the sense of acceptance essential to an individual’s or group’s participation in the community. We strive to foster an environment that genuinely encourages respectful expression of differing views in honest and open discussion. We understand that the way in which we conduct ourselves and our commitment to our work affects the community as a whole.



The success of the 荣誉准则 is dependent upon each of us actively engaging with the Code’s ideals “on our honor”; therefore, resolution is every person’s responsibility and an important aspect of the 荣誉准则. If there are actions or values we find degrading to ourselves, to others, or to the institution – whether by speech, action, inaction, or otherwise – we should initiate dialogue with the individual with the goal of increasing mutual understanding (though not necessarily agreement) as a restorative 过程.



Signing the pg电子官网状态 Honor Pledge is a symbolic, voluntary act. 荣誉守则 is not a binding legal document and cannot be used as justification for disciplinary action or separation from 学院.