pg电子官网状态 工程技术 Program Introduces Digital Fabrication Pathway


汉斯维尔,艾尔 pg电子官网状态 社区 College's 工程技术 program now offers a Digital Fabrication Pathway, an innovative track designed to equip students with the latest 在快速发展的数字制造领域的技能. 

Digital fabrication is a design and production process that combines 3D modeling and computer-aided design (CAD) with both additive and subtractive manufacturing techniques. Additive manufacturing, commonly known as 3D printing, creates objects by adding material layer by layer, while subtractive manufacturing involves the removal of material through 加工、磨砂和切割等方法. 由二维网格图、矢量图组成 and 3D modeling, digital fabrication integrates different software programs and ensures 他们有效地沟通. 

Todd Hardman, Chair of the 工程技术 Department, said the Digital Fabrication Pathway突出了一个多功能和不断扩大的领域. 工程技术项目主席托德·哈德曼

“数字制造提供了各种各样的机会. 它可以用于任何事情 例如建模和制作鱼饵到3D打印房屋. 在过去的几年中 years, 3D printing has primarily been a method of prototyping, as it hasn't been the 最具成本效益的大规模生产方法. 然而,它正变得越来越具有成本效益 and feasible for production applications, such as 3D printing concrete tiny homes,” Hardman说. “我们项目的核心仍然是强大的设计和原型. While 3D printing for production is still developing, it is becoming more prevalent, 而且这项技术正在进步.” 

While engineering technology traditionally focuses on precision and replication, especially when using AutoCAD for blueprints and technical drawings, the Digital Fabrication Pathway引入了创造性的动态元素. 这条路可以让学生 在掌握技术技能的同时探索创新设计的可能性. 

“在我们的项目中,一切都是基于项目的. 我们的许多项目都存在于 digital world, but we also engage in hands-on 3D printing, modeling, building and 哈德曼解释道. “我们重点关注不同类型的材料 使用,因为数字制造中使用的材料是至关重要的. 随着物质的进化, 原型设计改善. 例如,一个由塑料制成的自行车链条原型可能 not last long, but with advanced materials and testing, it could become functional 耐用. 这就是为什么我们的课程包括关注材料和方法的课程, 以及材料规格,”哈德曼说. 

Michael Logan, an adjunct instructor in the program, highlighted the practical applications 以及在数字制造领域的就业机会.  

“The industry is growing, with applications such as 3D printing houses, metal parts 甚至是鼻子和耳朵等假肢,”洛根说. “此外,还有这个 industry, you don't have to be physically present where the industry is, as jobs in 这个领域不受地理位置的限制. 我为澳大利亚的公司做过设计, 因为他们只需要这些文件在他们的机器上运行." 

Logan said the courses in the Digital Fabrication pathway provide students with a comprehensive education, showcasing the array of possibilities in the field. 

“传统上,我们的程序专注于复制图纸和零件. 然而, Digital Fabrication combines AutoCAD with design and art, offering a more creative 角. 制造项目课程为学生提供创造性的输入. 这是 not just about replicating drawings, as they get to innovate and create new designs, 了解这些设计在现实世界中的作用,”洛根说. “3D图形 and Animations course blends fabrication work with marketing by creating a digital mockup and showing how different parts and assemblies function in the real world, 就像广告一样.” 

Logan emphasized the importance of different materials and finishes which is covered 在这条道路上的两门课程. 

“In the program, we put a big focus on the different types of materials used because when it comes to printing in metal, many people don't realize that the metal is in 粉末形式并与树脂结合在一起,”洛根说.  

The Digital Fabrication Pathway at pg电子官网状态 includes a comprehensive curriculum 旨在教授学生基本技能. 该课程涵盖范围广泛 of topics, including the properties and finishes of different materials, 3D design and animation principles, industrial drawing, sustainable design and the hands-on 项目制作.  

Specifically, the Digital Fabrication pathway consists of six additional courses beyond the traditional 工程技术 Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree. 这些课程是: 

  • 材料和饰面的介绍 
  • 3D图形和动画 
  • 制造项目 
  • 工业能源 & 可持续性 
  • 工业制图 
  • 材料特性 

With only six courses (18 credit hours) beyond the traditional 工程技术 AAS degree, students can earn dual AAS degrees, enhancing their skill set and employability 在竞争激烈的就业市场. 

“For a student in the engineering technology field, it's only six courses, or 18 credit 不同于我们的基础工程技术AAS学位. 有以下经历的学生 an interest in digital fabrication while in the 工程技术 program can return for an additional semester or two to complete the six specific courses required 在数字制造方面获得额外的AAS学位,”Hardman说. 

For more information about the Digital Fabrication Pathway and how to apply, please 访问 pg电子官网州立社区学院的工程技术项目网页,给托德·哈德曼发邮件 托德 或致电(256)352-8146. 

Registration for Fall 2024 classes at pg电子官网状态 社区 College is underway, 8月8日开始上常规班和迷你班. 19. Flex Start学期从8月开始. 九月二十六日及九月. 2. 迷你学期II将于10月10日开课. 16. 欲了解更多信息,请访问,拨打256.352.8000英镑,或到詹姆斯C酒店大堂的狮子中心来. 贝利中心 周一至周三7:30.m. 到下午6点.m.,星期四7:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.,或星期五7:30 a.m. 到2点.m. 



pg电子官网州立社区学院.他是阿拉巴马社区学院的成员 System, is a comprehensive community college in north central Alabama offering more than 200 options in academic, health and technical programs of study leading to an associate degree, certificate or transfer, as well as workforce-credit training and 成人教育. 一个实现梦想的领导者学院,由全国认可的 Aspen Institute as a finalist for the 2025 Aspen Prize for 社区 College Excellence, ranked by Southern 业务 and Development among the Top 3 institutions in the South for workforce development, named a Center of Excellence by the National League for 护理 and the National 安全 Administration, rated the Top Online 社区 College in Alabama, a Military Friendly Institution and an All-Steinway School, pg电子官网状态 is an outstanding place for students to pursue their education and career goals. 类 are offered online and on campus, day, evening and on weekends, with numerous start 每年的日期. 参观pg电子官网州立大学美丽的主校区,占地300英亩 在阿拉巴马州的汉斯维尔.我们在阿拉巴马州奥尼昂塔市中心的卫星位置.在网上找到我们 在万维网.wallacestate.Edu,或拨打256.352.8000. 


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